Every community campaign and volunteer organisation needs money to do the work they do. I can provide small grants to local community organisations to help you get off your feet — and my office can help you identify other grants and write grant applications for larger projects.
We let local community organisations know whenever we hear about new grants rounds opening or potential funding opportunities.
If you'd like to sign up to be on our grants and community organisations mailing list or if you have any questions, email me at [email protected].
My office is always keen to support local community groups and not for profits. We can help promote upcoming events, and loan of BBQ equipment, marquees and portable speakers. We can also donate small gifts for raffle prizes. Find out more at stephenbates.com.au/help.
Our local grants
Every year, I donate some of my salary to grants for local community organisations and not-for-profits to help them get projects off the ground. I've donated over $30,000 so far.
These grants are aimed at helping small, local organisations who might not be eligible for bigger grants have some funds to get their projects off the ground.
I know a little goes a long way and even little things like making sure your tea and coffee station is stocked at your drop-in centre can be a load off.
You can read our full eligibility criteria at stephenbates.com.au/grants_eligibility.
2024 local grants awardees
I got proposals from 24 amazing community organisations this year. There were so many great ideas from local public schools, community groups and sporting organisations. Thank you to all the organisations that submitted applications and for your ongoing dedication to serving our community.
After a very difficult selection process, I gave this year's grants to:
- Bring a Plate Dance to help their important work making dance accessible
- Brisbane Central State School P&C to open their tuckshop and provide kids nutritious meals
- Community Outreach Counselling to help support their community mental health clinic
- Cycling Without Age to get older people out on bikes around Brisbane
- Dig In to cook wholesome, home-made meals for the homeless
- Gordon Park Scout Group to help keep their den beautiful, safe and secure
- Goose Goose Ganda Collective to help run their monthly queer makers market
- Paddington Then and Now to build a digital hub for our vibrant local history
- Petrie Terrace State School P&C to revitalise their grounds with an edible garden
- Kelvin Grove Bushcare to build nesting boxes for local birds and bats
- Spring Hill Community Group to improve Spring Hill’s walkability
- The Embroiderers Guild to build a new website and promote Queensland embroidery
Grants for local community organisations
We help hundreds of community organisations across Brisbane apply for grants and provide letters of support for grants applications.
There are too many grants opportunities to list, but the ones we help with the most are the Gambling Community Benefit Fund and the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust, both of which grant significant amounts multiple times every year.
You can also search all government grants on the Commonwealth’s Community Grants Hub or GrantsConnect portal or on the Queensland Government’s Grants Finder.